December 2006 - Wider Impact Consultancy delivers an assessment of opportunities for project roll-out by the Mercian Trust.
Pleased with the work carried out by Wider Impact Consultancy, Diocesan Secretary David Taylor points out:
‘Mercian Trust commissioned the above consultancy at the end of last year to assess the opportunities for developing one of its projects beyond its current geographical location. The brief had a very tight timescale over the Christmas period and an equally tight budget.
The Trustees were extremely pleased with the report they received from Widerimpact: it was felt that the key issues had been identified and addressed in a comprehensive, professional manner, that the research carried out had been well targeted and the advice given realistic. It was particularly helpful to the Trust that the report was delivered within the agreed time-frame.
We would have no hesitation in recommending this consultancy to other organisations in the voluntary sector’.
December 2006 - Wider Impact Consultancy accepts invitation to join West Midlands Sub-Group
Wider Impact Consultancy founder, Edwin Lewis is pleased to accept an invitation to join the Minority Ethnic Business Forum Regenerating Communities Sub-Group. Aims of the sub-group include ensuring minority ethnic businesses and communities are made fully aware of and engage in appropriate regional initiatives that help create wealth, employment and training opportunities.
November 2006 - Wider Impact Consultancy delivers ground breaking Garage based Social Enterprise feasibility study and business plan.
Wider Impact Consultancy is pleased to deliver an independent feasibility study and business plan to the Union of African & African Caribbean Organisations (UAACO). Enabled by European funding and commissioned by Stoke on Trent City Council and UAACO, the work will play a significant role in delivering a Garage based social enterprise in Stoke on Trent, which has the potential to employ 8 local people from disadvantaged communities at launch. The business plan demonstrates ‘break even’ at 2 years and the potential to trade at a profit within 3 years – significantly reducing need for grant dependence.
UAACO Chief Executive Officer, Thurayya Cahill points out, ‘…. this is a complex and comprehensive piece of work for UAACO, which is unique and has the potential of not only playing a big role in the regeneration of the City of Stoke on Trent but beyond.
We are very satisfied with the professional work produced and would definitely recommend Wider Impact Consultancy for similar work anywhere’.
October 2006 – Wider Impact Consultancy is pleased to have completed an independent evaluation of the North Staffordshire Community Chaplaincy pilot project.
The work commissioned by a multi-agency Steering Group, chaired by the Bishop of Stafford has confirmed the project is on course to deliver objectives and is delivering ‘Value for Money’.
Lead consultant, Edwin Lewis points out, ‘Community Chaplaincy must not be seen as a new initiative, or something which should be allowed to ‘go away’. Established internationally, the concept is proving a success throughout England and Wales.
Chaplaincy in prison environments is also not new and is replicated in areas such as hospitals, the armed forces and police service. What is innovative is the facility of experienced and committed Chaplain(s) supporting offenders during their precarious journey from prison back into the communities where they came from.
Wider Impact Consultancy has felt privileged to evaluate the North Staffordshire pilot, because it has opened new doors on how we can rehabilitate offenders and help them break their cycle of re-offending’.
- Evaluation Report
September 2006 – Wider Impact Consultancy is pleased to have supported Staffordshire Moorlands District Council (SMDC) deliver its Neighbourhood Plan in the Biddulph East area of the district.
The commission included supporting local residents and partnerships deliver projects such as mentoring, parent volunteering, school links, establishing a play area and an innovative community gardening course. Wider Impact Consultancy is pleased to deliver a short evaluation of the gardening course, which has resulted in local residents establishing a local group, whose aims include supporting vulnerable community members, such as the elderly and single mothers look after their own gardens.
- Evaluation Report
July 2006 - Wider Impact Consultancy is pleased to have hosted Midlands LunchNet 4 Social Enterprise event.
Held at The Hanley Hope Centre, hosted by Edwin Lewis of Wider Impact Consultancy and sponsored by The Business Brokers, the event explored how North Staffordshire businesses and supporting networks can take advantage of this important area of growth.
The event was attended by business representatives and key agency members who gained a wider understanding of social enterprise and a valuable opportunity to network with like minded colleagues from across sectors. |
![Midlands LunchNet 4](../images/lunchnet.jpg)
Delegates networking at the Midlands LunchNet 4 Social Enterprise event
Please contact enquiries@widerimpact.com if you are looking to arrange similar events.
July 2006 – Wider Impact Consultancy delivers independent evaluation report into the North Staffordshire Regen College pilot.
Wider Impact has delivered an independent evaluation of the North Staffordshire Regen School pilot programme. Established in Sheffield (see www.regenschool.com), the Regen College model is described as a ‘cross between a course and a support system’. This is because it offers learning opportunities to local people, whilst they are engaged in community projects, with the support of an experienced mentor. Regen College ‘students’ can be community members, project staff, or volunteers with local agencies; however projects must have community benefit.
The commission has involved scrutiny of outputs, wider impacts and structured in depth interviews with students, mentors, steering group members and the managing agent for the project, Wedgwood Memorial College. Declared 'fit for purpose' by Wider Impact, the review includes a number of strategic recommendations, which are being considered by the Regen College Multi Agency Steering Group.
- Evaluation Report
May 2006 – Wider Impact Consultancy is pleased to become a contributing member of the Staffordshire Business & Environment Network.
Staffordshire Business & Environment Mission Statement: "To provide a portfolio of high quality services at an affordable cost to aid businesses throughout the County of Staffordshire in the improvement of their environmental performance."
Link: www.sben.co.uk
May 2006 – Wider Impact Consultancy delivers independent evaluation report into the Youth Works programme in Bridgend, South Wales
Funded by the Big Lottery, Wider Impact Consultancy has delivered an independent evaluation and review of the future organisational structure of the Bridgend Youth Works programme. The commission has involved scrutiny of outputs and structured in depth interviews with young people, local residents, local businesses, tenants and residents and key service providers, such as the Safer Bridgend Partnership, local Police, Valleys to Coast Housing Association, Youth Services, Groundwork Bridgend & Neath Port Talbot and Directors within the Local Authority.
Declared ‘fit for purpose’ by Wider Impact Consultancy, impressive outcomes of note include a 47% reduction in crime, 53% reduction in youth nuisance calls, confidence by the Police not to apply for ASBOs and a 61% reduction in tenant turnover rates from 83% to 32%
The review includes a number of strategic recommendations, which are now being considered by the Bridgend Youth Works Multi Agency Steering Group.
- Final report presented to the Local Multi-Agency Steering Group.
March 2006 - Wider Impact Consultancy delivers training in ‘How to be Successful in Fund Raising’
Wider Impact Consultancy is pleased to be invited to deliver training in, Successful Fund Raising to a Sure Start project. (Start Up). The structured one day training package involves group work, with delegates preparing ‘real’ funding applications and ‘assessing’ other groups submissions – gaining an in depth understanding of what funders are looking for and what pitfalls to avoid.
Wider Impact Consultancy is pleased to offer this and a wide variety of regeneration based training packages to local and regional groups and agencies, which can be tailored to meet knowledge, abilities and local requirements
March 2006 - Wider Impact Consultancy delivers workshop at UKES conference
Wider Impact Consultancy was pleased to deliver a role play, interactive workshop at the United Kingdom Evaluation Society (UKAS) Conference in Preston. Entitled ‘Do we really listen to young people?’ the workshop was enjoyed and well received by delegates who included academics, senior researchers and local practitioners.
Wider Impact Consultancy is pleased to make the workshop and similar project management tools, available to similar events, groups and initiatives, charged with delivering front line services within complex and diverse environments
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