Wider Impact is delighted to receive positive feedback following submission of our independent evaluation of the Big Lottery funded Deaf Achieve 2 Project being delivered by London and South East based Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) see link www.royaldeaf.org.uk.
The Deaf Achieve 2 Project is a development of a previous Big Lottery funded project, Deaf Achieve, and works with Deaf people primarily based in Essex, London and Suffolk. The Project generally focuses on one-to-one support and small group working, helping Deaf people to improve their health, independence and employability. Activities have involved:
o One-to-one support – working with each participant to identify individual needs and goals to shape the topics of group sessions and workshops.
o Workshops – on a variety of themes:
o Health – healthy eating, cancer, joint problems
o Rights –‘ know your rights’, citizenship, hate crime
o Parenting – child development, sleep issues, picky eaters
o Skills – basic BSL, English / literacy, numeracy, driving theory, travel training, food hygiene, first aid, computers / IT, managing your money
o Employment – CVs, interviews, Access to Work
Significantly, those taking part have been encouraged to share experiences, ideas and tips, and offer each other peer support and the building of friendships.
Good practice identified by the report includes:
o RAD’s delivery model and vast experience in providing support and services that Deaf people want and need, which includes all front line workers fluent in sign language
o RAD’s wide ranging ‘offer’ to Deaf people, which includes Information, Advice & Guidance; Advocacy; Children & Families; Youth & Transition; Employment & Skills; Social Care & Community Support; Interpreting & Communication Services; and Community Development
o Linked to RAD’s vast experience and knowledge, impressive research carried out by RAD prior to Project implementation, establishing clear and unambiguous ‘need’ for the Project, which significantly included consultation with Deaf people / service users, which for example has established that the best way for Deaf people to learn is to work in small groups
o Good practice and lessons learned from successfully delivering the previous Big Lottery funded Deaf Achieve Project
o Realistic and appropriate Project outcomes agreed with the Big Lottery A flexible approach, supported by highly competent Project Managers with an ‘hands on’ understanding of the value of learning from and adapting to ‘on the ground’ feedback from service users and circumstances as they occur; which has enabled the delivery of a highly successful Project that has constantly met and adapted to the needs and ever changing demands of service users
o Multi-Agency links, with positive examples of positive multi-agency partnership working / two way referrals
o Innovative Job Clubs, workshops and initiatives, delivering what services users need and value
o Positive evidence of the delivery of an inclusive Project, no matter for example what gender, ethnicity or age of service users
o Positive evidence of reaching those most in need of the Project, such as those who are unemployed
o Friendly, supportive, committed, caring, highly experienced and trained RAD staff, workshop leads and support staff, who have a clear and empathetic understanding of Deaf peoples’ needs, challenges and aspirations
o Excellent and innovative use of accessible and cost effective local community based locations such as local libraries to deliver Project activities
Report recommendations are:
- Building on service user, partner agency and Project Managers’ feedback and findings highlighted by this report, RAD should continue to utilise its vast experience and excellent in-house skills to understand, monitor and feedback on ‘what works’ in relation to meeting the ever changing needs and demands of Deaf people.
- Building on the success of the Project, and demands from service users, consideration should be given to continuation of the model of providing bespoke support to Deaf people in areas associated with health, well-being, employability and general ‘life skills’.
- Such support should continue to be aimed at small groups and delivered in local communities, in venues such as local libraries and other easily accessible meeting places.
- Opportunities should be taken to share the successes of the Project, with an emphasis on:
- Congratulating and thanking Project staff, support staff, volunteers, workshop contributors, partner agency members and service users for a ‘job well done’ in relation to the successful delivery of Project outcomes;
- Sharing Project achievements and good practice with other organisations, projects and initiatives at local, regional and national levels.
Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis says, ‘It is always a pleasure to report on such a successful and impressive project. It is clearly apparent that a number of factors have clearly contributed to the success of this Project, which includes the expertise and experience of RAD to develop and deliver such innovative and much needed projects, careful and thorough research during the conception phase of this Project, early and on-going consultation with key stakeholders, appropriate and well thought out Project outcomes, supported by realistic and challenging indicators of success.
There can be no doubts that RAD has delivered what Deaf people need and value, which is due in no small part to the role of the Project Managers, both of whom are clearly passionate and caring people, who display impressive empathy and clearly understand the needs and aspirations of Deaf people.
Special note of course should be made of the involvement of service users, who have been confident enough to feedback important information that has helped to shape and update delivery throughout the life of the Project.
In conclusion opportunity is taken to thank service users, Project staff, multi-agency partners and all those involved in the delivery of this report for their knowledge and valuable time.
RAD Director of Services Sue Mountford says, ‘At RAD we take time to understand what matters to Deaf people; modelling services that really work and therefore achieving positive outcomes for people.
Deaf Achieve has been our Flagship project for the last three years, providing informative workshops, organising activities and encouraging active participation. We are very proud of the team that has worked so hard to bring Deaf Achieve to life – working responsively and creatively; developing the project as it progressed to ensure it was meeting the real needs of Deaf people.
The Deaf people who have been part of this project have made real progress towards achieving their personal goals – forging life-changing friendships, learning new skills, exploring opportunities and taking greater control of their lives. We know that their journey will continue.
Wider Impact has provided invaluable support, knowledge and guidance through their evaluation. We are extremely grateful to Edwin (at Wider Impact) for his enthusiasm, passion and patience. Thank you Edwin!’
Our report has been delivered in two formats and can be accessed by clicking on the following report covers:
Full report
Executive Summary report
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