Wider Impact Director and author of the Staffordshire Youth and Community Service commissioned report, Young Women, Physical Activity & Competitive Sport Edwin Lewis was delighted to present his report to a conference held at the County Council’s offices earlier this month.
Attended by young women such as Lucy Clare (pictured) and ‘mover and shakers’ from a number of partner agencies, the conference discussed and addresssed issues and recommendations raised in Wider Impact’s report.
Edwin says, ‘It was so encouraging to see young women such as Lucy give up their time during the half term holiday to lead and contribute on such an important subject. We await with interest conference outcomes, which will be featured on this site’.
Copies of the report can be obtained at link http://www.widerimpact.com/july-2013-young-women-physical-activity-competitive-sport-report-delivered .
Please contact Edwin at edwin@widerimpact.com if you want to learn more about the report, or are looking to commisison similar work.