Wider Impact is pleased to be commissioned by West Midlands based Safe & Settled (www.safeandsettled.co.uk) to carry out an independent feasibility study into the the concept and setting up of a ‘Pop up, one stop shop‘ for social care, support information, advise, support and guidance.
Funded by Dudley Local Authorities Innovation Fund, the commission will include desk (qualitative) research and extensive field (quantitative) research. Objectives include gaining an in-depth understanding of ‘need‘ for the Project, establishing the best cost effective model(s), and exploring if committed partners / stakeholders are willing to sign up, enabling sustainable, multi-agency outcomes.
Commissioner and Safe & Settled Director, Jan Burns (centre / Associate Director Liz Heaven right) says, ‘We are delighted to have Wider Impact on board, and are looking forward to consulting and involving key partners and potential stakeholders in the development and delivery of the Project. This is an important commission, which has the potential to support potentially hard to reach people in the Dudley area who require support and advice with family health care needs and concerns‘.
Please contact Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis at edwin@widerimpact.com if you feel you can support this commission.
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