SVCO has forwarded details of the following funding opportunity:
Allchurches Trust Limited (ATL) supports the mission and work of the Christian church and charitable projects that have a Christian foundation. We like to assist in areas of greatest need. We especially favour projects that show vision, illustrate enthusiastic support and demonstrate financial sustainability.
Churches seeking funding should be members of Churches Together in England (CTE), Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS), Churches Together in Wales (Cytun) or the Irish Council of Churches.
Beyond that, there are no firm rules that determine what we will support and we are frequently impressed by the imagination and scope of the projects that seek ATL grants.
Most of our grants are between £1,000 and £5,000 but we do make larger grants. Examples of recent grants are on the recent grants page and the news page. Our annual reports and annual reviews also include information about projects we have supported; browse through them here.
For more information about what we support, please read our grant giving policy. or visit:
Deadline: rolling
I trust this is useful,and ask that you do not hesitate to circulate as you feel appropriate.
Kindest regards