Posted by Edwin
Categories: Community
Published January 8, 2010
Building on over 25 years of experience of supporting and evaluating UK based initiatives and projects aimed at supporting those most in need of support and guidance,Wider Impact Consultancy Workshops utilise tools such as a ‘case study’ video and peer-led group work to people whose confidence is at a low-ebb. Issues raised included tackling issues such as long-term unemployment, illness, a lack of appropriate qualifications and / or work-experience, and concern about attending meetings and job interviews.
Posted by Edwin
Categories: Community
Published November 8, 2009
Our work will support the City Council inform policy decisions in the future and is seeking to identify current need and examine the future aspirations and expectations of this group.
Research tools are including user and partner agency workshops, one to one meetings, case studies and our innovative ‘on-line’ questionnaires.
Posted by Edwin
Categories: Community
Published September 8, 2009
Headed, ‘A compelling case for a more co-ordinated approach to mentoring support for offenders’, the MBF news report states, ‘A recently published report makes a compelling argument for a national co-ordinated mentoring service working across the Criminal Justice System. The pilot, which was undertaken in the Birmingham area involving a number of prisons and partner mentoring organisations led by the New Hope Mentoring Programme has generated interest in the idea of a ‘one stop shop’ for agencies / individuals requiring mentoring support / looking to volunteer as a mentor’.
Posted by Edwin
Categories: Community
Published August 22, 2009
Commissioned by Walsall’s New Deal for Communities, Wider Impact is pleased to produce an extremely positive report on a project that is innovative and without doubt delivering ‘value for money’ in its area of operation. According to multi-agency partners, the project is ‘adding value’ to services being delivered to local elderly residents. It is clear that the project is playing a significant role in tackling the ‘over 50’s Time Bomb’ described by research studies such as that outlined by In My Prime (Social Research).
Posted by Edwin
Categories: Community
Published August 15, 2009
Commissioned by the Thorpe Community Group Wider Impact has carried out an in-depth study, based on there being a community, social and business case to justify retaining and developing a run-down Community Centre in an area where community apathy is noticeably high.