Wider Impact is delighted to be commissioned to independently evaluate the Big Lottery funded Ynot Aspire Project (see https://ynotaspire.org.uk/). The charity’s vision is ‘To raise the aspirations of young people and inspire them to be all that they can be’. Pictured with Sharon Burch, Chief Officer (left) and Paula Swainston, Project Support Officer (centre), Wider Impact DirectorContinue Reading
Wider Impact is delighted to report that we have delivered London and Essex based workshops and observational studies as part of our independent evaluation of the Lottery funded RAD Deaf Achieve 2 Project – see link http://www.widerimpact.com/november-2015-wider-impact-commissioned-royal-association-deaf-people-rad-carry-independent-project-evaluation. Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis says, ‘This is clearly a worthwhile project, which is supported by highly trained andContinue Reading
Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis is delighted to be included on the list of suppliers for the Midlands region of the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales. Edwin says, ‘It is really rewarding to be selected to support such a credible organisation deliver such important and worthwhile projects and initiatives. This is what weContinue Reading
Wider Impact is delighted to launch our innovative ‘Product’, which is aimed at supporting developing and successful Third Sector organisations to achieve their full potential.
Wider Impact is delighted to be commissioned by Stoke on Trent based City Waterside Residents’ Association / Community Centre (pictured) to support them with the development and delivery of a 5-Year Business Plan. The commission follows the successful delivery of an associated feasibility study delivered by Wider Impact on behalf of the organisation (click hereContinue Reading