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May 2010 Sandon Business and Enterprise College and Wider Impact are grateful for the support of local young entrepreneurs in enabling a series of innovative Make ‘Your’ Mark Days, when Year 9 and 10 students from the College have been provided with the skills to develop their confidence within an innovative and positive ‘business’ related learning environment.

March 2010 commissioned to carry out Colwyn Bay based ‘Needs Analysis’ research relating to the St Paul’s Church Hall and the wider use of the St Paul’s Church and the Dewi Sant Church building.

The overall aim of the work is to carry out an independent evaluation of the effectiveness of the Birmingham Youth Crime Officers (YCOs) in relation to their prime objective of reducing youth offending by enforcement and intervention measures.

Building on over 25 years of experience of supporting and evaluating UK based initiatives and projects aimed at supporting those most in need of support and guidance,Wider Impact Consultancy Workshops utilise tools such as a ‘case study’ video and peer-led group work to people whose confidence is at a low-ebb. Issues raised included tackling issues such as long-term unemployment, illness, a lack of appropriate qualifications and / or work-experience, and concern about attending meetings and job interviews.

Our work will support the City Council inform policy decisions in the future and is seeking to identify current need and examine the future aspirations and expectations of this group.

Research tools are including user and partner agency workshops, one to one meetings, case studies and our innovative ‘on-line’ questionnaires.

Wider Impact Consultancy, Edwin Lewis