Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis is thanked and praised following delivery of our independent report into the feasibility of establishing the concept of a ‘One Stop Social Care Shop’ in Dudley.
Wider Impact has been commissioned by West Midlands based Black Country Partnership for Care (BCPC) to carry out an impact evaluation of the Skills for Care Workforce Development Innovation funded Digital & Assistive Technology in Social Care project. Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis says, ‘We are really pleased to have this opportunity to carry outContinue Reading
Building on our independent evaluation of the Oldbury based SinglePoint Project (see link http://www.widerimpact.com/may-2014-wider-impact-commissioned-evaluate-single-point-project ) we have worked with the client to introduce ‘peer-led‘ evaluation into the commission. As this photograph highlights, we have met with the newly formed SinglePoint Family Network Group, who have kindly agreed to work closely with Wider Impact Director, EdwinContinue Reading
Wider Impact is delighted to submit our reports into the feasibility of the estimated £7.1m Porthcawl Harbourside building.
Wider Impact is delighted to be selected to carry out an independent evaluation of the Oldbury based Lottery funded ‘Single Point – Inspiring Families, Changing Lives’ Project.