Wider Impact has been commended for the quality of our evaluation of the Lottery funded Oldbury based SinglePoint Project, which aims to deliver a range of recreational, educational, enrichment and support activities for children, families and local community members.
Wider Impact is delighted to be commissioned to carry out an independent evaluation of the Lottery funded Dudley CAB Money Confidence Project, which aims to provide an easily accessible, timely and personalised continuing support service (incorporating aftercare) for people with mental health issues, who are struggling to cope with debt and feel unable to manageContinue Reading
After just over 9 highly enjoyable years operating out of the Business Village at Staffordshire University, we have now moved our postal address to: Newport House Newport Road Stafford ST16 1DA We ask that all postal correspondence, including tenders are directed to this address. On-line correspondence should continue to be directed to edwin@widerimpact.com
Wider Impact has been commissioned to carry out an independent evaluation of the Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce Ceramic Skills Academy programme (see link http://www.ceramicskillsacademy.co.uk/). Pictured with Director Linda McQuade (right) and Craig Walker (left), Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis (centre) says, ‘It is a privilage to be selected to evaluate such a prestigious and excitingContinue Reading
Wider Impact Has been commissioned by Solihull based SWiCDA to carry out an independent impact evaluation a Skills for Care funded project aimed at improving the quality of care of diabetes sufferers by increasing the capacity of care staff.