We are really pleased to have the opportunity to carry out an independent evaluation of the Lottery funded Dudley CAB Money Confidence Project – see link http://www.widerimpact.com/march-2015-wider-impact-commissioned-evaluate-lottery-funded-dudley-cab-project Such work is important to us, as our reports and findings play a key role in the future and sustainability of such excellent work carried out by such specialContinue Reading
This years’s ‘resolution’ here at Wider Impact is to help those we come into contact with ‘smile and be happy (without motive)‘. Try it – so far is paying back lots and lots more than we can ever put in! Simples! Kindest regards Edwin :-)
I can’t believe how large organisations are treating their customers. The main stream banks don’t want to provide ‘customer’ facing [counter] service, and other large national organisations are looking to deliver ‘on-line’ shopping and install self-service check outs and self service photography services. This is clearly linked to cost savings. But at what cost? ‘Customer’Continue Reading
What a good day at the BCPC ‘Share IT’ Employers consultation event, when we took opportunity to commence our independent Impact Evaluation of the Skills for Care funded Information & Assistive Technology Sharing Programme. As will be noted by this photograph, delegates were invited to complete a Skills Scan / questionnaire, which is being usedContinue Reading
Further to our recent news report (see http://www.widerimpact.com/september-2014-wider-impact-commission-evaluate-digital-assistive-technology-social-care-project), we were delighted to meet members of the BCPC Project Team last week in Wolverhampton, who will be responsible for delivering the Skills for Care funded Assistive & Information Technologies Project. We are looking forward to carrying out an independent impact evaluation of the Project, and look forwardContinue Reading