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Approaching 10 years in business – wise words picked up on the way!

Posted by Edwin Categories: Edwin's Blog Published September 21, 2015

We are who we walk [or do business] with Gain a mentor … and return the favour one day A good answer is always, ‘Yes we can’ If it looks like a pig in a frock, it is a pig in a frock Listen to your instincts Know when to walk away – with aContinue Reading

This is an extremely important question both for you and the Intern in particular.  You may remember what it was like for you or a young relative to take part in ‘work experience‘ at school. To many, including my own children, through no fault of the businesses, the experience was boring, boring and even moreContinue Reading

It has been a joy to meet up with Ruth Clarke from who is evaluating the organisation’s excellent contributions to the employment of local graduates. As previously reported – see     we have achieved great successes with our policy of supporting young people and working with Graduate Advantage in particular. At Ruth’s suggestion IContinue Reading

Approaching 10 years in business – The power of positive thinking!

Posted by Edwin Categories: Edwin's Blog Published September 14, 2015

It is ever becoming apparent that good news brings good news and a smile can create a chain of positive like behaviour that can travel miles. I look to avoid ‘toxic’ people and situations, and always remember the Chinese saying – ‘We are who we walk with‘. All have made approaching 10 years in businessContinue Reading

[Funding] Communication needed during on-going austerity

Posted by Edwin Categories: Edwin's Blog Published August 30, 2015

It is really becoming apparent that opportunities are being missed by local authorities and third sector organisations to coordinate more and make best use of ever scarce public funds, [Lottery] grants and other funding sources. In so many cases each does not seem to know what is going on in terms of wider funding, inputs,Continue Reading

Wider Impact Consultancy, Edwin Lewis