Wider Impact Consultancy is delighted to support Dudley based Safe & Settled in the delivery of an important social care survey, which is currently being featured on the Dudley Community Information Directory – see link www.dudleyci.co.uk/kb5/dudley/asch/event.page?id=Rucz8qYFLRs
Wider Impact Director, Edwin Lewis says, ‘We are delighted to be able to support Safe & Settled with this important survey, and pleased that the questionnaire we helped design has the potential to reach many thousands of local people.
We urge as many people as possible to complete the easy to complete questionnaire, and look forward to analysing the results‘.
Please feel free to contact Edwin Lewis at edwin@widerimpact.com if you feel you can contribute to this commission, or would like to learn more about how we may be able to support your work.