Wider Impact and the Porthcawl Harbourside CIC are delighted to report that the Glamorgan Gazette has kindly agreed to feature an ‘on-line’ questionnaire – see link http://www.widerimpact.com/harbourside which is in support of the independent feasibility study into the proposed Porthcawl Martime Centre - ‘Harbourside’.
Details about the feasibility study can be found at link http://www.widerimpact.com/august-2013-press-release
Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis says, ‘This is an innovative media campaign, which aims to directly involve local community members in the study. This has always been a key objective of the commission, and we look forward to receiving and analysing responses’.
Please contact Edwin at edwin@widerimpact.com if you feel you can add to the study, or are interested in commissioing Wider Impact to deliver similar work.