Wider Impact is delighted to be commissioned to independently evaluate the Stoke on Trent based Restart Project ( https://saltbox.org.uk/restart/), which aims to improve communities by supporting homeless ex-offenders to reintegrate them back into society following periods in prison or without accommodation, and to help them break the cycle of re-offending. Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis, picturedContinue Reading
Funded by the Lloyds Bank Foundation Enhance programme ( https://www.lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk/) , Wider Impact has been commissioned to support Birmingham based Muslim Womens’ Network UL Ltd. (http://www.mwnuk.co.uk/) develop clear structures that: Enable the organisation to build and grow, which will be supported by a diverse, multi-functional Board, which is ‘fit for purpose’, meeting the needs of an organisation,Continue Reading
As part of our independent feasibility study into the development of the Stoke on Trent based Goldenhill Community Centre, Wider Impact is hosting a community consultation event at the Centre, 1pm to 7pm, Thursday 26 April 2018.
Posted by Edwin
Categories: Edwin's Blog
Published February 27, 2018
I have just received this request from SASSOT: SASSOT BOARD MEMBERS VACANCIES Tuesday 20th February 2018 We are seeking new Board Members… Could you be instrumental in enhancing our impact? Sport Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent (SASSOT) is a high-performing County Sports Partnership, bringing partners to work together to create active places and healthy lives throughContinue Reading
Posted by Edwin
Categories: Edwin's Blog
Published February 20, 2018
With an eye on the long-term sustainability of the company, we are looking at the potential of opening up a Director position at Wider Impact to the right candidate. If you think this may be you please contact me at Wider Impact, when your inquiry will be treated as strictly confidential. Kindest regards Edwin