Posted by Edwin
Categories: Edwin's Blog
Published February 14, 2017
Thanks to our colleague Steve Baylis for this information: The Austin Hope and Pilkington Trust have announced that their next round of grant funding will open on the 1st February 2017. During this funding round grants of £1,000 will be available to registered charities that have an income of between £50,000 and £1 million forContinue Reading
We are extremely grateful to Rob Flello MP for his assistance with the filming of our Augmented Reality (AR) video in support of our independent evaluation of the Stoke on Trent Food Bank (see ). Pictured here with Food Bank Chair Sue Simcoe, Rob kindly provided his positive views about the Stoke on TrentContinue Reading
Wider Impact has been thanked and praised for the delivery of our independent evaluation of the Big Lottery funded Lancashire based Ynot Aspire Project.
Wider Impact is delighted to be commissioned to work with Newcastle (Staffordshire) based Alice Charity // to carry out a needs analysis and outcome setting to support future funding applications and joint working aimed at the following target group: Stoke on Trent and Newcastle based young women aged 21 years or younger, with families,Continue Reading
Posted by Edwin
Categories: Edwin's Blog
Published January 2, 2017
Happy New Year to all from all of us at Wider Impact! As ever we look for a theme for our year ahead, and this year it is summed up in one word – ‘CONFIDENCE’. CONFIDENCE to individuals and to those third sector organisations who provide such important services and support to thoseContinue Reading