It is so rewarding to receive thanks such as this, which refers to an independent evaluation we carried out of the Heritage Lottery funded Staffordshire Wildlife Trust’s Youth Engagement Project – see link We have been most impressed with the skills and professionalism of the Wider Impact team in carrying out a comprehensive evaluation ofContinue Reading
Funding available to support good food for young people
Categories: Edwin's Blog Published August 24, 2016The Children’s Health Fund is inviting not for profit organisations such as schools, community groups, charities, church groups, housing associations and local authorities, etc. that want to provide good food as part of holiday learning, play and activity programmes to apply for funding between £1,000 and £5,000. The Children’s Health Fund expect funding applications atContinue Reading
The AB Charitable Trust has announced that UK registered charities with an income of between £150,000 and £1.5million who are working to combat abuse and violations of human rights and to support the disadvantaged, have until the 16th September 2016 to apply for the current round of funding. Applications are particularly welcome from charities workingContinue Reading
August 2016 Wider Impact Praised for Delivery of Interim Evaluation Report
Categories: Latest News & Reports Published August 4, 2016Wider Impact is delighted to receive thanks and praise for the delivery of an interim project evaluation report completed on behalf of the Big Lottery funded Ynot Aspire Project. Ynot Aspire Chief Officer Sharon Burch says, ‘Thank you so much to Edwin and his team at Wider Impact. We had a very short timescale in whichContinue Reading
See this link - which relates to a £300,000 funding pot to improve victims’ services and maximise the potential of the voluntary and community organisations in the West Midlands Police area that support victims of crime. All the best and please feel free to circulate as you feel appropriate. Kindest regards Edwin