Thanks to Steve Baylis of SCVO for this: The website for the new £10 million Grant Fund for VCSE organisations in England is scheduled to launch early next month. The new funding, which will run over three years, aims to improve the sustainability, capacity and scale of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations whoContinue Reading
Thanks for Steve Baylis of SCVO for forwarding this: ESF Grants for 2014/15 Open The next round of the European Social Fund (ESF) Community Grants Programme 2014/2015 is now open for applications and is being delivered through the Heart of England Community Foundation. Please view for further information. Please let us know how you getContinue Reading
New funding available for local groups in the West Midlands
Categories: Edwin's Blog Published July 4, 2014We have just receiving this from VAST: Local groups and organisations with great ideas to make their communities an even better place to live are now invited to apply for funding to turn their ideas into reality. People’s Health Trust has just launched Active Communities in the West Midlands – a funding programme for local people wantingContinue Reading
Looking to fund a Heritage Project – this is worth a look!
Categories: Edwin's Blog Published July 3, 2014We have been sent this by Steve Baylis, SCVO & Sandwell External Funding team: Are you looking for small funding pots to deliver a Heritage Project, or to deliver a WW1 project, do you support groups who might be looking for this kind of funding, if so, this workshop is for you! Heritage Lottery FundContinue Reading